We retired from our management jobs in Victoria and

moved to a beautiful farming community in the

Cowichan Valley where we are close to our children

and their growing families.

In an endeavour to live a healthy country life we paid more attention to what we eat and how we take care of our bodies. This led us to the amazing world of emu birds. Over the last fourteen years we have built an emu "farm to finish" business. It includes hatching and raising emu chicks, growing out emu juveniles until 16-18 months old and harvesting meat and highly prized emu oil. As responsible emu farmers we ensure feed quality, adherence to biosecurity husbandry practices and ethical processing procedures. This is an exciting farm enterprise and can be profitable on as small a farm as 2 acres (see our Blog, Growing Emu Farmers and price list pages). We are very willing to share our business plan that includes farm design, feed economies and processing opportunities. You can email us on the Contact Us page with your questions.

A few words about why we established an emu farm on Vancouver Island BC